no need to write an essay or anything

some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don’t know what’s serious and what’s irony

  • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    I think everyone has cleared up that we don’t actually like Trump. We hate all US presidents. But i wanted to explore a real split that happened when he got elected between people who are still libs, and people like me who were libs but reevaluated my received ideology, in large part due to his election.

    Trump getting elected completely invalidates everything libs believe about this country. Myth of meritocracy, shattered. The belief that the “good republicans” will come back, the faith in the electoral system, etc.smashed.

    When something like that happens, a real thing happens that invalidates your world view, your ideology, there’s two ways it can go. One way is reevaluating those beliefs, and the other is doubling down on them.

    To double down, you have to view the real thing that happened as an abberation. It can’t be integrated into your worldview it has to be refuted. So what did libs do? Immediately after the election there was, “well maybe he won’t take office, the electors could save us”. They retreated into a belief in their electoral system. Next they moved onto the Russian conspiracy belief, because it would expunge the record of our electoral system. “If Russian interference happened, then theres nothing wrong with the electoral process!” And they needed nothing to be wrong with the electoral process, because its the only mechanism they have that allows them to believe this is a democracy. Of course, then theres a series of things, the Mueller report/Mueller worship, the hollow ceremony of impeachment.

    If you reevalute the system, you integrate reality. You realize that Trump is not an aberation. Trump is the norm, just far more grotesque. Every president is a war criminal whose purpose is to further an imperialist, white supremacist world order. It doesn’t matter if they are civil, or have “merit” (whatever that means), or if they’re the first black president. They’re the figurehead of global system of exploitation.

    For me personally, i hadn’t become a communist yet, and Trump winning was something that made it clear that the recieved ideology i was operating under was clearly wrong and had to be evaluated. At some point, and for whatever reason people who become communists, or anarchists, or whatever left tendency from the starting position of received American ideology have to reevaluate the world from usually a combination of catalysts.

    I think a lot of this shows why theres so much acrimony between us and libs. We invalidate their world view. The thing that allows them to believe they live in a democracy, one that is more democratic than other nations, and freer (libs may except other western nations as free, or even superior, but they chauvanistically know they are better and freer than the global south or any AES).

    And many of us are frustrated because we already know what they believe is wrong, because many of us believed it! And we learned it was wrong by integrating the realities we’ve witnessed into our understanding of the world.

    That’s probably why some libs think we like Trump, because we don’t share the view that he’s an aberration, or uniquely bad. He’s just a republican. And they can’t accept that

    • So what did libs do? Immediately after the election there was, “well maybe he won’t take office, the electors could save us”. They retreated into a belief in their electoral system. Next they moved onto the Russian conspiracy belief, because it would expunge the record of our electoral system. “If Russian interference happened, then theres nothing wrong with the electoral process!”

      I went through most of those steps, but already knowing our electoral system was at the very least bad because of math. So after a few rounds of cognitive dissonance I had to reevaluate.

    • MF_COOM [he/him]
      1 year ago

      That’s probably why some libs think we like Trump, because we don’t share the view that he’s an aberration, or uniquely bad. He’s just a republican. And they can’t accept that

      I think the most revealing thing to ask a lib is who was worse, second-plane or trump-moist. The sheer body count difference, there’s no way a kind, non-fascist person could ever think it’s even close.

      • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        It’s absolutelty the best test.

        Trump winning the election almost immediately rehabilitated Bush for libs. Which is all about optics and civility bullshit.

        Why they think the deaths of something like 2 million Iraqis is more civil than a grotesque TV show host being gross - now that’s what’s interesting!

        The deaths and displacement of millions ot Iraqis and Afghans are not an affront to their ideology. That does little or nothing to their fundamental beliefs and assumptions about America. But a grotesque, an “unqualified” reality TV star, a con man becoming President, and then having the audacity to be “unpresidential” - to disrespect the office - that to libs is real shit. That shakes their belief system to the core. That’s the only calculus that makes Bush better than Trump

    • Excellent post.

      This is exactly why, throughout the entire Trump presidency, liberals repeated to themselves, to their family, friends coworkers, to their Twitter followers: THIS IS NOT NORMAL. It was a mantra for 4 years. It perfectly represents their struggle through the cognitive dissonance of reconciling Donald Trump being the “Leader of the Free World” just as much as Barack Obama, Lyndon Johnson, or Franklin D. Roosevelt.

      The question they never could answer satisfyingly is “If this is not normal, how did normal lead us here?” Answering this question definitively inevitably leads to socialist critiques and conclusions. Instead they retreated into the elitism of disdain for “populism” and the idiot masses, while simultaneously claiming to defend “democracy” even though they clearly don’t like its actual practice and results. Or, they retreated into the paranoia of a foreign conspiracy, since a foreign nation can be irredeemably evil but never our own, while completely overlooking that Trump mostly did as the Blob (as Obama called it) wanted. He was of absolutely no benefit to any supposed backers, even if they really did support him. And it stands to reason that if they could have rigged it successfully the first time, why wouldn’t it have worked the second time? It should have only gotten easier to rig things with a puppet in charge than with a meaningfully independent Democrat in charge. All of their answers were and are a mess of contradictions.

      I was like you too. Recognizing that this madness was normal and continues to proceed just fine without Trump at its head is exactly what showed me that I am not a liberal. I would have hoped it would have enough for most people. Maybe we need Mecha Hitler III to be elected via Supreme Court decision before most liberals jump ship.

      • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Thanks, and i appreciate what you’ve added here comrade. fidel-salute

        Particularly about their retreat into elitism and anti-populism. You see this manifest strongly when theres a disaster in a so-called red state, and all the libs just say they deserve it, as if everyone living there is what they imagine republican voters to be: stupid, lower class, rednecks, whatever libs are calling them these days. They never imagine that the average republican voter and average Trump supporter is petty boug, is as affluent as they are if not more, and of the same class or higher. And those peoole aren’t the ones hurt when the grid goes down in Texas. The peoole most likely to be hurt are the people they pay lip service to caring about.

        • Chapo had it right when they said that the really poor by and large just don’t vote. From liberals’ perspective that’s the same thing as voting Republican in effect, but they don’t reflect on being resented for this snobbish disapproval and political entitlement, which costs them elections.

  • burnt_toast [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    Every American president is a war criminal. Trump is no exception, he just happens to be an open asshole about it. It’s funny watching Libs get butthurt because instead of just bombing poor brown countries, he also insults them at the same time. Every single US president is going to hell if it exists.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don’t know what’s serious and what’s irony

    As opposed to what, acting hysterical anytime he’s mentioned and feigning enough outrage to some moral degree? Calling him a wet boy and laughing at him takes actual agency away from some of the ghoulish shit he does. When you act like he’s Voldemort (is that the bad from Harry Potter) and not being able to name him is shit he revels in. Literally everything libs have done to try and combat Trump has fallen on it’s face and only made him more emboldened. Not to mention it’s simply unfunny and often punches down in the process, like showing him sucking Putin’s dick. Nice one, way to throw gay men under the bus too.

  • iie [they/them, he/him]
    1 year ago

    lol the guy is an Epstein-associated, fascist dogwhistling sex offender, it goes without saying we should flush his ashes down a toilet. Feels weird to even spell it out.

    But look. Trump supporters are a large group, like 150 million people presumably. Some of them are frothing bigots, some of them are Go Red Ream politics-as-a-sport people, but some of them, I can guarantee you, just want someone, anyone, who MIGHT do something tangible for them, and after spending their lives watching polite, civilized politicians do nothing while people’s livelihoods crumble around them, they’re willing to take a chance on someone like Trump. And then libs are fucking baffled by this, baffled that some crass pseudo-populist jackass who bills himself as an outsider might pull more support than their bloodless, sneering, polished ghouls.

    Some of them are people like this guy

    He’s got things a little scrambled, but on some level he knows he’s getting fucking screwed.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Looking forwards to the day he dies gargling on his own lung fluids.

    Also looking forwards to the day every other war-criminal-president of america gargles on their own lung fluids, which is all of them.

    The ones that are already dead should be exhumed and tossed into the ocean.

    EDIT: May as well throw Chomsky on the crimes of every US president here too since it’s relevant.

    If celebrating their deaths is too much for you then you’d hate to know that about 35% of the UK throws literal street parties every year celebrating Thatcher’s slow painful death. Problem with that? Too bad. Too bad.

    You liberal civility wankers have no idea what a real left looks like, and all of you would be tory shits if you lived here.

  • vertexarray [any]
    1 year ago

    Definitely not. He’s an odious fascist, or he would be a fascist if he had any sort of ideological commitment to anything other than drawing attention to himself. The fact that he was elected at all is a monumental condemnation of the USA. He just has the soul of a problematic Florida drag queen in there, which makes him a tremendous poster.

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    1 year ago

    No, absolutely not.

    Occasionally I’ve seen someone (there might even be some in this thread) get some stupid 5th dimensional chess idea about how Trump is going to accidentally create the conditions for communism somehow (I saw this for Biden too once). It’s the sort of weird nonsense Americans come up with after realizing that our political situation is FUBAR, but they don’t want to give in to doomerism and they can’t concieve of anything beyond voting every 4 years. It’s incredibly stupid and tbh deserves to be bullied more.

    Broadly speaking, the main difference between Trump and other presidents is that he says the quiet parts out loud. He is very openly and explicitly bad, compared to the others that put on nice pretenses while enacting essentially the same policies. We often focus more on exposing these “fake friends” because sometimes well-meaning people get fooled by their lies, whereas nobody well-meaning likes Trump. It’s just less interesting to talk about stuff where we’re all pretty much on the same page.

  • Trump is a grotesque monster, but he’s hated by libs not for vile actions, but because he was rude. We don’t value civility here, so we can laugh at him when he’s funny, but he and every living American president deserves to be tried in The Hague

      1 year ago

      See, this is why I don’t trust y’all. How can you pretend to be leftist when to you the fundamental difference between Trump and any other political administration is literally just that he’s rude.

      How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?

      If none of that means anything more than being rude or not, you’re not a leftist. You’re a cosplayer.

      • makotech222 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        from the rights of workers

        Who crushed the rail strike

        of oppressed minorities

        who let roe v wade expire

        protection of the environment

        how many oil drilling licenses were given out in the last 4 years

        access to health care and education


        All presidents are bad, and all advance the cruelty of the previous president. Are we still ignoring covid? are we still imprisoning people at the border?

        • raven [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Who was a vocal supporter of segregation?

          Democrats and Republicans exist as two parts of a rightward political ratchet system. Biden as VP was only run because he was the more right wing counterbalance to Obama’s “radical socialist agenda” We get one cheeto-man in the white house and suddenly Biden is the “most pro labor president in history”? Come the fuck on.

      • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
        1 year ago

        Rights of workers: Biden literally busted Unions. Come on man biden-alert

        Oppressed Minorities: Biden quite literally continued Trump’s migration policies when he first entered office. There have been some marginal improvements, but as someone who worked directly in migrant communities and legal aid during the time, I can confidently say his policies have been nearly indistinguishable to the masses of people hurting and need help. There are administrative changes he could make with the wave of a pen to make the process easier, but there’s no desire for it in the actual rooms of power within the Democratic party.

        Plus, Biden and other mainstream Dems fought against defund the police almost harder than the right wing did. Funding for the most oppressive institution in this country has increased dramatically. biden-harbinger

        PLUS the fucking democrats never codified Roe v Wade despite having all 3 branches of government.

        Protection of the environment: Driving off a 100 foot cliff at 60 mph is quite frankly just as bad as driving off at 75 mph. The Democrats engage in soft climate change denialism. They say vapid shit like “believe the science,” but then completely ignore what the science says we have to do which is stop fucking drilling for more Fossil Fuels and switch as fast as possible to renewables. Instead we get weasely promises about investing in green technologies that may or may not actually work out of one side of their mouths, and a dramatic increase in fossil fuel production on the other. They’re just green washing their anti-environmental ambitions so useful idiots feel warm and fuzzy.

        Access to education: you’re going to have to point to something you think is good, because I literally can’t even begin to imagine what you’re thinking is going well in this regard.biden-forgor

      • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        How were any of the things you listed helped by Biden being in office? Are any of those things better in this country now that he’s gone?

        We don’t support him, he is awful on all these aspects, but so are all US admins, because they all serve capital.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        1 year ago

        the fundamental difference between Trump and any other political administration is literally just that he’s rude.

        Every single other president in history is a war criminal murderous bastard.

        The libs didn’t like this war criminal murderous bastard because he made it incredibly obvious while doing it, when the operating procedure is supposed to hide it behind a layer of ““professionalism”” (liberal culture).

        All of them are bastards, barring none. All of them are responsible for the countless deaths of thousands upon thousands of people all over the world. They’re all murdering bastards of empire reaping hell upon the entire world.

        You just ignored it until this particular one made it too obvious.

        How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?

        Lmao absolutely none of these involve foreign policy. It’s very telling that you’re a nationalist who is ok with the hell america reaps everywhere else. Let’s go through them one by one though eh?

        Workers rights - lol, like any president in history has ever been pro workers, including Biden who broke the rail strike

        Minorities - lol, like any president in history has ever been pro minorities

        Environment - lol, lmao even

        Health - lol dems have always been great on health right? That’s why america still has no fucking healthcare system. Fuck me how naive are you?

        Education - 21% of americans are illiterate

        It’s fucking wild that you people only attribute this to republicans, you’re completely fucking blind to the fact that the ruling class owns both of these parties and that they use them both to continually fuck you over while somehow fooling dipshits like you into thinking one half of the capitalists is good actually if only it weren’t for the mean half of the capitalists. Fucking open your eyes for fucks sake.

        May as well throw Chomsky on the crimes of every US president here too since it’s relevant.

      • silent_water [she/her]
        1 year ago

        they’re saying the only difference between him and any other liberal. you forget that imperialism and white supremacy are the defacto policy of the US government, regardless of the views of any president.

      • RedDawn [he/him]
        1 year ago

        How is it that nothing else, from the rights of workers and of oppressed minorities to the protection of the environment to access to health care and education, means anything?

        Get back to us when Dems do anything about any of that?

      • Here’s one more difference between trump and other presidents: he was less harmful than bush and probably Clinton and Obama. Clinton was responsible for turning the Democratic Party into the neoliberal garbage it is now, bush killed hundreds of thousands of people and devastated multiple countries, and Obama oversaw one of the greatest transfers of wealth from the poorest to the richest the world has ever seen

          • Absolutely. All of them have so much blood on their hands and I will celebrate their deaths with glee. It will be a small pleasure compared to the countless lives they extinguished and cast into poverty but it’s all I can expect when it comes these monster

      • Zoift [he/him]
        1 year ago

        His policies and the continuation of them under Biden are no fundamentally different in scope or malaciousness than any other previous president. Trump is the most exagerrated symptom of American political rot, not a new disease process.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    1 year ago

    People just like making fun of the way he exposes the hollowness of liberal institutions.

    But in reality I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      1 year ago

      But in reality I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

      This triggered some neurons. Remember that allegation that Trump once stayed at the same hotel and room in Moscow that Obama once stayed in and he paid two sex workers to urinate on the bed?

      Seems like a lifetime ago.

  • Flinch [he/him]
    1 year ago

    trump-drenched he is swamp-ass incarnate, our big wet sloppy pissboy, may he one day have a heart attack on live TV. he’s not the guy we need, he’s the presinald the US deserves.

    for context I am a taxpaying US citizen (Death to America).