A peculiar incident in Hadige village, Karnataka, on December 18, 2024, saw twelve chickens mysteriously dying and emitting flames from their mouths when pressure was applied to their bodies. Videos of the phenomenon, which remain unverified, have gone viral, sparking widespread curiosity and concern.
Speculations suggest the chickens may have ingested harmful chemicals, leading to an exothermic reaction. Possible contamination in their feed or environmental hazards are also being considered. Public reactions range from humor, dubbing them “dragon chickens,” to serious calls for investigation.
Undead fire-breathing dragon chickens?
Sounds like a GM creating enemies for a lvl2 party
That will come in handy when Thread starts falling next year. Didn’t see that on the bingo card.
I don’t want Pern brought to us. I want to be off this planet.
I feel it would be an improvement.
Gonna be kinda hard to ride a chicken… Can we get fire-belching ostriches and emus, too?
Self-cooking chickens at last! Thank you, science!
I call bullshit. Its like that eel swimming out of the fish mouth video.
Yeah, I’m filing it under “BS, pending further investigation” as you can’t see the entire chicken, so shenanigans could be occuring off-camera.
Any videos of this?
[Edit] the article has a link to a video on Xitter. Overlooked it at first.
It’s cooking from inside!?