I know it’s not that impressive but I’ve been pretty physically broken for years. I’ve been working towards the 100 a day for like 3 months now. Started at only two sets of ten a day, today was five sets of twenty. Another could months and I’ll be back in Nazi punching shape!
Nice comrade! For anyone else out there looking to get in shape but kind of intimidated by busy gyms with people lifting twice your body weight (me), calisthenics are an excellent solution.
Now you just have to do 100 sit up.
100 squats.
And a 1k run.
It’s impressive as hell, keep goin. I just did 10 sad ones so i could fully appreciate your strength now my arms will probably be sore
10 sad ones is how you start!
I am so proud of you.
Not that impressive? Fuck that! You’re doing something that takes work, which many people will never bother to do. What’s not impressive?
Good job, comrade.
It’s crazy how quick you can actually get there.
I was a skinny dude my whole life. I started doing 100 pushups a day, every day. Not at once, but like 100 throughout whole day. Wake up, and before I go to bed I do 100.
I typically did 20, 20, 10, 20, 20, 10.
Been 6 months and I can do 50 slow, good form pushups consecutively. Doesn’t take long if you do abit every day.
Going for that One Punch Man workout routine?
making us proud comrade keep it up