Tomorrow is a big event at my university. I’d like to make a fun thing where the people of the Board Game society I am in can try to find me for a riddle, kind of a Where is Waldo in a place where there is a crap tone of people to find the NPC that’ll give them a Riddle (Maybe something to win? No idea how I could do that detail)
Seeing the Proposition from I’ve got a similar one I know in French that can be translated:
I am a king, taking presents from strangers to get into my kingdom. Propose me Gifts and I will tell you if you can enter my Kingdom
So would a Balloon work?
A Balloon would not work
Medicine for the plague
I have no care for your medicine
A large, shiny, red, round, wooden apple with a delicate golden stem, nestled in a square silk box with twelve tiny silver bells.
Fool! I would not care for a Diamond from you! Nor less a Wooden Apple no matter the way you present it to me!
How about I show you an ancient pond in the silent forest that forever holds the reflection of your constellation. Beside it there’s a tomb from your ancestors with engravings telling ancient stories of valor and virtue. Here I offer you a place of introspection and the gift of time. It will refresh your spirit and new opportunities will become clear.
My dear Elise! I do have to say those are some of the most detailed and exquisite presents I have received to this day and I would like to applaud you for that, yet none of those presents interest me. Nore This Ancient Pond, Nor the Tomb near it, nor a Place of Introspection.
I wish you find something that will suit the difficult tastes I have dear Elise
I offer friendship
Friendship is very nice but I will not accept it sadly
Do you accept my balloon? ;)
I do accept your Balloon! Such a Wonderful Balloon wow!
Oh great king! Will you accept my gift of a balloon?
Not at all! I do not care for it
Would you accept my heavy machinery?
I would accept your Heavy Machinery:)
how about my heavy machinery?!
Nope, no care for your Heavy Machinery
please forgive me your highness. instead i bring you this 2007 Ford Mustang
Oh I do love myself a Ford Mustang! Such a wonderful Car!
Hehe :)
I only have some creamy nougat chocolate. Are you interested?
I do accept Creamy Nougat Chocolate, if it is Creamy
Oh great king, I have a bottle of Buckfast and 20 Benson and Hedges, plus a really slutty wee sister
An interesting choice I have to say, sadly none of those interest me the slytest! (No idea how to write this last word in English, please correct me people)
I got your back.
Also, I’d suggest the buckfast because it does in fact get you fucked fast.
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