A large slate of releases with some fancy sets:

  • The Psycho Collection (1960-1990) 4k - UK
  • The Psycho Collection (1960-1990) - UK
  • Ringu (1998) 4k - UK, US, CA
  • Carlito’s Way (1993) 4k - UK, US, CA
  • Blood and Black Lace (1964) 4k - UK
  • Blood and Black Lace (1964) - UK
  • The Prodigal Son (1981) - US, CA
  • Borsalino (1970) - US, CA

The Ringu, Carlito’s Way and Blood and Black Lace 4k releases also come in Arrow exclusive original art packaging (not available in Canada).

Blu-ray.com have the technical specifications.

Personally, I’d have been all over Prodigal Son but have Eureka’s set with Warriors Two, so I’m fine skipping that. I think Ringu is the instant buy there for me and, while they have an Arrow exclusive release, I like the cover art of the ordinary limited edition (where the Arrow exclusive of the Bruce Lee set won me around).

The Psycho Collection is a tricky one - the original will look great in 4k but the quality of the sequels drops away hard but none are truly terrible (3 is the worst and I gave that 5/10). It’s one I might buy, stare at for a while and then, in the cold light of day, bung it on eBay or not (the booklet and what looks like a transparent shower curtain slipcover could definitely win me round).