They are:

  • Gorgo 4k
  • Terror at Tenkiller 4k
  • Delirium 4k
  • The Demon Rat
  • Psycho Girls

Technical details at

  • Afghaniscran
    1 year ago

    I wish I had the capacity to enjoy films like these. Those posters look cool as fuck, I’d love to have them on a wall but I’d feel like a fraud since I know I wouldn’t enjoy the actual films.

    • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝OPMA
      1 year ago

      And that’s fine. Some of those films are bad - I think Tenkiller is 2.7/10 on IMDb so most people watching it won’t enjoy it but Vinegar Syndrome fans are more likely to but there will also still be people who blind buy or have a subscription that are going to be disappointed. However, they know that they have to sift through some rubbish to find the pearls. As I say, Gorgo is the only one I’d want from that batch as it’s a fun romp with a giant monster rampaging through London (it gets shown on terrestrial TV occasionally and is worth checking out) but I also understand that isn’t going to appeal to everyone.

      The beauty of these boutique Blu-ray releasers is that there’s likely at least one that suits your taste. Vinegar Syndrome tend to release trashier movies (low budget horror and porn, although they seem to be spinning the latter off into its own imprint) and I don’t have very many titles, only those that intersect with my interests. They are on the sleazier end of the market and there are whole range available through to arthouse publishers and plenty in between.