The Scottish government has called for the decriminalisation of all drugs for personal use.

It wants the UK government to change the laws to allow people to be “treated and supported rather than criminalised and excluded”.

However it would still be an offence to have possession of drugs with the intention of supplying them to others.

The government also wants the law to be changed to allow the introduction of supervised drug consumption facilities.

Drugs laws are currently reserved to Westminster.

However, the Scottish government has responsibility for health and social policies around drug consumption.

Other proposals from the Scottish government include more substance checking services and increased access to emergency treatments for drug overdoses.

  • doyoulikemyparka
    1 year ago

    The safe space idea is interesting. Maybe there would be a correlation between the type of drug and risks associated with it and the use of those spaces. I’m not sure people would make the effort to go to a space to smoke when they can do it pretty safely at home.

    I was thinking about this some more yesterday and ultimately land in the area of it’s a good sounding change and if it leads to some instances of antisocial behaviour, then let’s look at how we solve that afterwards. Were never going to find a single perfect solution to everything and meanwhile people are dying.

    I can put my “what about me?!” problems to one side.