• frazorth
    9 months ago

    I’m a socialist

    Sorry, I didn’t address this point. I apologise for saying that it smelt Tory, probably the most offensive thing you can say these days.

    However the reason I referred to it as that is because it follows the Tory tactics. It makes claims that are wild and unlikely to be true, and repeats other ungrounded things that people say. Folks never remember the apology for being incorrect, especially since it happens once but the claim was made several times.

    EU regulations gone crazy, you can’t even import bendy bananas!

    Was a claim Boris made. It wasn’t true, he was referring to the classification guide that the UK submitted to the EU so that at a glance we knew which shape they were.

    The EU are banning mince pies!

    Also not true. But if they repeat it enough times then it places a seed of doubt. How am I supposed to know which ones are false? Surely if I hear of EU overreach a thousand times then at least one of them is true?

    Corbyn was anti-Semitic

    I mean, I just heard about it and posted it… Nothing more. 🤷‍♂️