• MrVilliam@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    God forbid their parents be paid well enough that these children are allowed to have a childhood before having to work 40+ years until they die chasing retirement. Kids are already in school for like 35 hours per week plus they have homework and chores. When are they supposed to play with toys, see friends, go outside, or participate in clubs or team sports or whatever they might be interested in?

    Only a few decades ago it was normal for a single income to provide for a family, including owning a home and taking vacations. Then both parents started having to work. Now it’s rare for a couple even without kids to be able to buy a house. And you’re seriously defending the normalization of working parents sending their kids to work?! Fuck that. This is third world country shit that we used to adopt refugee children from, and now we’re doing it to our own kids.