The Crow director Alex Proyas is making a new movie called Sensoria, which is entirely generated with AI. Multiple teasers are online

Quick link to the longest trailer.

    6 months ago

    Shocked it took this long for someone to try. Even when the tech was super fucky, it was good enough for some Waking Life / A Scanner Darkly vibes.

    People acting like this means it’s not art are not being serious. You can tell stories with stock footage or still images. Movies exist in the edit. That arrangement is the work. Dude didn’t type in “spooky movie five stars 1080p” and post whatever video came out. He’s using Bing instead of adding lip-flap to sketches from Fiverr.

    Shame it looks this fucking bad. This is abysmal.

    Alex. My guy. When Pixar wanted to make the first all-CGI feature film, they realized their tech made everything look like plastic, so they made a film about plastic. I’m glad you understood that well-enough to aim for dead-eyed stares into the camera, but you cannot make a film about spooky doppelgangers unless you can also show people who aren’t spooky doppelgangers. And your ass can’t even be bothered to modify the cadence on this Microsoft Sam voice acting. Nevermind the Half Life 1 lip flap applied to these slow zooms on still images. That Harry Potter Balenciaga gag was less offputting.

    Was this a story you’d been waiting to tell? Some longshot project kicking around in your brain? What were you doing, instead of grabbing some friends and shooting it handheld on borrowed sets? I’ve seen Diamanda Hagan review better concepts that were filmed on VHS camcorders for five dollars and lunch. You have a magic image robot, which can draw Darth Shrek surfing on a motorcycle as easily as it can draw some badly-lit guy standing in an alleyway, and you made a movie all about badly-lit guys?!

    Dresden Codak, the webcomic, is going through some object-duality personhood thing right now, in a setting where people get “recast” to preserve the roles society needs, and there’s ancient evil and secret layers and yadda yadda yadda. This comic is infamously slow-moving because the artist draws these deep backgrounds with gigantic surreal structures reflecting the scope and artificiality of their systemic obstacles. I am not about to suggest any slapdash prompt for reconstituted JPG soup would look even one percent as good - but you can imagine building that slapdash approximation, and conveying these concepts. You could tell that story with this tech. And instead you’re doing baby’s first Dark City, set in the uncanny valley.

    This is a badly-written and badly-edited trailer for a new source of moving images where the only real artistic inputs are writing and editing.

      6 months ago

      Oh shit, I forgot Alex Proyas also directed and co-wrote Dark City. So it’s not just a shitty ripoff - it’s a shitty rehash. That’s honestly worse.