• Flax
    2 hours ago

    Ironically, it’s always the “progressivists” that lose followers more than the religions that stand by what they teach. Believing in a religion just because you like it or not believing in one because you dislike it isn’t rational anyway. That’s like not believing in climate change because you don’t like it (which deep down is the case for many climate change deniers).

    Take for example, Christianity. Someone should believe in Christianity, not because they agree with it, but because they believe Jesus of Nazareth is The Christ and He Is Who He says He Is.

    I used to struggle with this. I wanted to affirm everything that the world was affirming, and I did. However, I realised that if God was Real and Perfect, then if I disagree with God, I am simply wrong myself, and it’s I who needs to change, not God. I can’t dictate to God who He should be or what He should believe.

    If you wanted Christianity to follow society, you’d also have to remove the “give to the poor” parts in China, the “love your neighbour” part in the USA, and the “stop being a Pharisee and getting obsessed over how pious you are” in first century Jerusalem. If you only remove the part that challenges white society yet keep and preach the parts that offend other societies (like many “progressivists” are doing) that’s not Christianity, that’s white supremacism.