The prime minister has now pledged to scrap policies that would force landlords to upgrade energy efficiency in their homes, after pressure from landlords about the costs of doing so, but said the government would “encourage” households to carry out the work.

“This appears to be yet another U-turn that could lead to higher bills just like the prime minister’s decision last week to roll back landlord insulation standards that could leave renters paying an additional £8bn on energy bills,” energy analyst Jess Ralston at non-profit group the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit says. The UK is often described as having some of the oldest and least energy efficient housing in Europe.

  • HumanPenguin
    1 year ago

    The youth were saying that in 1979.

    Issue is its not really true. While % of tory voters is higher in older generations. It is notable above 0 in all generations. And Increases as more people gain wealth in each generation.

    Add to that. The biggest issue is not old folk voting tory. But younger folk refusing to come to gether to vote any opposition.

    While youth is unwilling to accept some faults in the people they want to represent them. Then they will never agree to a party able to beat fptp. Or even remove fptp.

    This is where elderly win. They have learned to concentrate on the most important battle now. And for a sizable % that is keeping left wing ideals out.