• ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝A
    129 months ago

    Yeah, it’s tricky to know when to pull the trigger as Tom may spring into action any time.

    I think step one would be to rummage together a few people who would volunteer to Admin this instance if we can raise Tom, so he can slot them in if/when he reappears. That would mean we can get refederated and everything starts ticking along.

    I’ve run my own website and know PHP/MySQL but Rust is something I’ve not looked into. However, updating and doing admin stuff might be relatively straightforward. I don’t know. I’m also unreliable, so it couldn’t just be me volunteering.

    I’d offer to set one up but I don’t have the time to set one up or maintain it.

    Are you knowledgeable enough to volunteer as an admin here? I imagine duties are light and if we can get a few people onboard it shouldn’t be too bad

    • @blackn1ghtOP
      79 months ago

      Yeah, it’s tricky to know when to pull the trigger as Tom may spring into action any time.

      Exactly yeah. We don’t want to act too soon, but also leaving it too late could mean the instance gets defederated by other big instances and people leave for other instances.

      Are you knowledgeable enough to volunteer as an admin here? I imagine duties are light and if we can get a few people onboard it shouldn’t be too bad

      To be honest I don’t know what’s involved. I’d need to look into how hosting works and what’s involved in things like upgrades. I’m a software engineer (dotnet C#, AWS mostly) so it wouldn’t be alien to me and I might be able to help out on a temporary basis but I can’t really commit to anything due to time.

      • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝A
        59 months ago

        To be honest I don’t know what’s involved.

        Me neither. I may spin up an instance to have a nos around but I assume the general Admin business is a bit like the administration of a web forum in which there’s a backend with relevant tools and the settings, presumably a way to upgrade from there. I’m pretty familiar with that kind of thing over the years.

        Access to the actual server is likely to be different again but if there is a web admin panel then getting a few people signed up to that should help at least resolve the current issues.

        • tkc
          29 months ago

          I’ve got dev/sys admin experience, so happy to help out, I’m just probably not the most reliable, but it seems like we would have a few candidates to help pitch in, so between like 5? of us (presumably including Tom), the duties should be light if we share the load.

          • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝A
            29 months ago

            I’ve read that 5-6 is a decent number of Admins for an instance as it provides redundancy and spreads the work out so no one person feels like it is too much hassle.

      • @merridew
        59 months ago

        Given my level of technical knowledge, I can confidently say that I am unable to offer support in any way.

        But I’ll second that this is a great instance – one which I’ve really enjoyed seeing grow and begin to pick up steam – and anyone able to step up has my gratitude.

    • GreatAlbatrossMA
      69 months ago

      Tom was discussing more admins previously iirc. I think if that happens within a reasonable time, and enough people are added to keep responses prompt, the site will be ok.

      However, if it continues with absence, it’s not a good situation. Especially when images are stored locally, all it takes is some malicious party spamming horrible images (or potentially even CSAM), and the site would be a smoking crater.

      • @spacedogroy
        109 months ago

        I think this is probably the highest risk, in my opinion. I honestly think Lemmy needs some automated solution to monitoring and scanning for CSAM content, because as a user I don’t want to exposed to it and as an admin I wouldn’t want to be in the position where I am responsible for censoring it.

        I think lemmy.world have kind of made a good point here: we need an admin in place who’s reactive and willing to maintain the server regularly - in a moderation and a technical sense - or we should consider migrating to a larger instance.

        This is no dig at @tom as he’s done a phenomenal job here and has undoubtedly spent time and money in creating this instance, but it would be good to get a sense off him whether he really feels he wants to continue on with the project. If not, it should lead to a larger discussion of where to go from here, because I don’t think the status quo is sustainable.

        • @mackwinston
          19 months ago

          What’s CSAM? (I don’t want to google it, it sounds “risky” from the context).

          • @fakeman_pretendname
            19 months ago

            It basically means “pornography with children in it”, though I’m unsure of the specifics of the abbreviation, and likewise don’t want to google it.

      • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝A
        89 months ago

        Tom was discussing more admins previously iirc. I think if that happens within a reasonable time, and enough people are added to keep responses prompt, the site will be ok.

        Yes, it’s easily fixed, so no need to start panicking yet.

        I’ve emailed Tom, I’ve spoken to some else who has used another email address, we’ll get this sorted. Hopefully, pretty quickly.

    • @Mane25
      28 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝A
        18 months ago

        Yeah the plan is:

        • Draw up a list of volunteer Admins so if Tom came back he can slot some of them in and we can start the process of ensuring the long term survival of the instance. If that isn’t happening:
        • We spin up a new instance and those volunteers become the new admins.

        We’re on the fall-back Matrix channel discussing it. So one way or another, we will sort it out. The tricky thing is when to pull the trigger. I was hoping the new update would make Tom resurface but that hasn’t happened and we have the looming 0.19 upgrade that could start causing problems.

      • Phil K
        18 months ago

        Personally, I gave up when he hadn’t replied to an email I sent a month earlier.

        If you look over on the Matrix space then it looks like they are finalising a name for the new instance.

    • @Mane25
      29 months ago

      deleted by creator