Kinda what the title says. When like outside in public I know I like to wear my airpods w/ noise canceling and avoid loud spaces. What do you guys usually do when you notice you’re like “it’s all too much.”

Also what do you guys do when you’re at home to relax and kinda reset after too much sensory stuff?

  • Red_Eclipse [she/her]
    3 months ago

    Still figuring out how to listen to my body. Yesterday I had a class, but was having a really sensitive day, but I also had one last time and I skipped it, so I really didn’t wanna have to skip it a second time. So I said fuck it and took some of my klonopin. It actually helped. I have it for anxiety but I guess it helps with sensory stuff too.

    Otherwise I just try to reduce stimuli. Leave parties early if u have to. Wear ear plugs when things get loud. I like to decompress by being at home and on the computer. Still figuring the rest of it out lol. Because sometimes it feels like I can’t get away from it, and sometimes it feels like I can’t recharge afterwards either. Hopefully my therapist can help me.

    3 months ago

    I find somewhere to be more alone. Go outside when everyone else is inside, or vice versa. Go to a restroom for a bit (even if you don’t have to go, just being solitary for a couple minutes helps.)

    At home, I watch YouTube or play games. Basically just fall back to “normal” activities.

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Mostly ANC earbuds. If I’m at a social event that’s in a relatively confined space I go to the bathroom or outside to decompress a bit.

    When I’m at home I do mostly the same stuff. I put my headphones on and lose myself in whatever I’m interested in at the time.