LFF also claimed the cost of this scheme has hit £290m so far. This is near £3m per head of any potential victim removed from the UK. It does not include the cost of the liabilities built into the scheme for anyone coming from Rwanda back into the UK in the swap scheme.

An immense waste of tax payer’s money, and a wholly barbaric policy, on what is nothing more than political games to con the public.

  • @tillimarleen@feddit.de
    46 months ago

    Yes, and this disgusting policy is happening everywhere right now, because there are no answers by the establishment to the problems we face. The ones claiming to be anti establishment on the other hand are just another faction of the establishment albeit with a grotesque fascist outlook.

    • @SyldonOP
      46 months ago

      The answer is very simple, work with the EU. It is what we did before we left. The numbers have gone up since then, it is bloody obvious going it alone is not helping.