Railing against corporations is cool. Not understanding the difference between a right and a licensed privilege is not.
Stop oppressing me
OP stands for original poster, pressing is an act of VIOLENCE, but also something that’s done to grapes. Grapes are VIOLET coloured, this means that the OP is trying to turn us into soylent GREEN. I am a natural born fruitcase, not a product to be sold by the STATE.
Fruitcake *
Okay this might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen you post.
Oh oh I know how they answer this one!
Make me, motherfucker
Am I doing it right? Can I buy my sovcit card now?
Yes, for only USD$59.95 plus shipping.
WHAT just take it out of my secret government bank account
and stop oppressing me 🐍
Just send a coupon to their CFO. Since they have no treaties with you, and you are not aware of their intentions, they HAVE to accept.
Simple, when you think about it
You’re using some awful big words there friend… You wouldn’t be trying to oppress me with all your fancy college-talking now, wouldja? 🐍
i’m gonna be oppressing your nose right into a book if you don’t start studying, young King
Oppress me harder
“Thank you, sir, I understand. Unfortunately, this is a US road and as a visiting alien, you are not allowed to operate your vehicle on it.”
The issue is that they don’t believe the US government is legitimate. From what I’ve gathered, they think that the real US is theirs by right, and that the entity that we know of as the government is essentially a parasitic corporation that has convinced everyone it’s the real governing body so that we fund it with our taxes. Though, even if you had a logical explanation within the confines of their worldview as to why they can’t drive without a license, they’d still pretend they had some excuse not to listen to it.
US govt not real
Convince people to pay taxes to fake government
Fake govt has the ability to enforce laws
Therefore becomes actual govt
Real govt
All governments are invalid monopolies on violence.
But they’re still a monopoly on violence. Thinking magic words will save you is insanity.
the entity that we know of as the government is essentially a parasitic corporation
So they’re not entirely wrong
Correct, but the difference is that it’s legitimate AND parasitic. So we can’t just ignore it like they want to.
Doesn’t even matter if it’s legitimate. If you ignore them, they can and will fuck you up. That matters a lot.
The sovereignty is enforced by fuckton of fighter jets, warships, and nukes! Do you feel lucky, punk?
Some define government just means an entity with an effective monopoly on violence in a region. So if they can and will fuck you up, then they’re a legitimate government. Everything else is just pretenses to maintain/justify that monopoly by that definition.
That’s legit!
Okay, but they’re still driving on the property of that parasitic corporation. Since they didn’t contribute any taxes towards building it, they don’t have any rights on that road.
Well they believe it’s parasitic in that the US somehow funds the roads, while the parasitic government company doesn’t. It’s not true, but they don’t believe the government does literally anything but take the people’s money.
Where does the legitimate government get the money to build roads if the illegitimate government is intercepting all of it from the god fearing citizens that have been paying out of their pocket for decades?
If it made sense it wouldn’t be a conspiracy theory. All it takes is one guy claiming some private good-guy billionaire has been funding the real US this whole time and they’d eat it up, throwing it at anyone who doubts them as if it’s some undeniable fact.
These guys read the SCP archives and see it as actual history, don’t they?
Even the SCP works with various government branches though.
Just arrived in the mail, that government setup, so you can prove to the government that you aren’t part of their system, using their system…
What do you think their power, water, sewage, gas and garbage-pickup bill for the month was?
Doesn’t matter, they’ll ask on their fb group what coupon they can send in to void it all out
Paid using US Dollars.
Only if it comes via USPS, though.
The entire zip and structured addresses are part of the USPS system that courriers use today.
True, but only the USPS is federally operated, despite FedEx’s full name of Federal Express.
Isn’t it funny how anti-corporate they are while actively posting on a corporate owned website?
SovCits are bonkers, but don’t be that guy.
If nobody knows their a sovereign citizen are they really a sovereign citizen?
Do they shit in the woods?
Uh, what exactly is the purpose of the leet-speak letter/number substitutions? Is it to blend in with the other license plates so the cops won’t notice? Is there some wacky sov-cit “logic” going on here? Does it just look cool?
Also: “2nd Edition” gave me a hearty chuckle.
I think it’s the first and third one
sovereign citizens and logic very rarely come hand in hand
Probably because “Private” was already taken, but that’s assuming that all of these “license plates” are stored in some central database, which I doubt is the case.
Bonus traffic stop script included
Oh please tell me there’s a link to that text!?
I don’t know but this is the site they buy it from: https://freedomfromgovernment.org/shop/uncategorized/nondriver-plates/
Web server error. Hm.
There’s either a lot more users than we thought on lemmy, or their site is really bad.
Shit it opened for me, sorry.
The site operator probably got the old hug of death from increased interest.
Definitely the Hug of Death. It’s still down.
Pretty impressed little Lemmy could hug a site to death.
Same. Par for the course for reddit but I was definitely confused. Anyway it’s back up and hooooly shit. Tried to upload an image but lem said no, but there’s an article on how to beat cps so you don’t get your “biological property” taken.
Obviously the Deep State oppressing them.
“No u”
If I were a less ethical person I could apparently make a good bit of money off these people. Its amazing.
But then you’d have to deal with them. How much is your sanity worth
A good email filter and low expectations of customer support make it easy. They’re also idiots when it comes to the law, so a cheap lawyer can take care of that part.
I read this as now also adding in dealing with a lawyer no thanks. But someone with higher tolerance definitely should.
To be fair, if you run any kind of business, high chance you’ll need to talk to a lawyer.
You don’t have to, though. Just have all support emails go to the trash.
I mean, that is basically Capitalism. Selling a product that serves no real purpose but has demand and makes you a lot of money. Can you personally just ignore the fact this is utter shit? but you make a few dollars?
Nope. Fleecing even the willfully ignorant is a hard pass according to my own personal morality.
Oh yeah that won’t attract attention at ALL.
Once again, some dumbass gonna get shot doing this shit.
The secret message is revealed!!!
1 4 3 = I Love You.
Drink more Ovaltine.
Just my daily affirmation like Mr. Rogers taught me before I evade my taxes!
Is it legal to sell these kind of things?
I’m fed up with these people and could use the extra money.
Sure, it’s legal to sell them. For all the seller knows you’re just hanging them on the wall of your man cave or using them for target practice. The seller could even cover his ass with a disclaimer not to put them in a car.
It’s the moron that actually uses them on a car that’s violating the law.
“Disclaimer: this product is not recognized by any authority of the US/Canadian government”
Australian and UK governments also.
Just like selling bongs “for tobacco use only” 😂
Is that still a thing? The smoke shops in my area have been mask off for over a decade and a half now. A bong is just a bong.
I’m assuming it is in the more conservative/restrictive states, iced lived in NJ, NYC and now Florida and in the first two it’s been legalized recreationally for the past 2 or so years.
I mean I’d call AZ a conservative state as well (at least up until the last couple of years), but I guess we’re special. Hell, we don’t even have non-stop school shootings like all the other red states do, despite the lax gun laws. It’s really weird.
No more corporate rule for me and mine!!!
With buying the plates…
I can’t wait to see this dingbat on bodycam… 😁
I bet they sell multiples of that ‘number’ which adds more charges
Maybe, but PR2V8T6 is harder to say. I wouldn’t buy it. 😉
this is not a “car” as you call it, this is my “PRIVATE mode of CONVEYANCE”
I don’t drive it, I travel in it.
They literally call it an “automatic covered wagon”