fait accompli

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝A
    178 months ago

    The rate they are going this doesn’t seem as mad as it would a year or two ago.

    • @SyldonOP
      88 months ago

      And that is the saddest part about it. There is a fatigued acceptance with the populism in the Tory party. Members seem to think it will sort itself out and commit to staying with the party. It looks very much to me like the infiltration of the far right is much worse than what anyone thinks.

      Phil Moorhouse is saying that Farage is using this as a grift. He doesn’t really expect to even be accepted into the Tory membership. There is a lot of credence to this imo. Farage states a lot of things that would happen if only he had power. The reality is that he will never have to live up to that claim.

      • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝A
        38 months ago

        There is a lot of credence to this imo.

        Him being a grifter is Exhibit A.

  • @HumanPenguin
    98 months ago

    Has he joined the party. Nope.

    Has he gained some recent boost in support indicating he may choose the parties ability to rule.


    Is he talking out of his arse in some desperate attempt to seem relevent. Ah yeah thats the one.

    • Hyperreality
      28 months ago

      He was at the tory party conference dancing with Priti Patel. He withdrew brexit party candidates in tory seats. Rishi Sunak has said he’d be welcomed into the party. Jaco Smogg mentioned a red carpet. He’s popular with the base.

      But I doubt he’d ever manage to become an elected MP. Suspect kingmaking and meddling is more his style. Far less work and you don’t actually have to get your hands dirty.

      • @HumanPenguin
        18 months ago

        Not sure we are really disagreeing.

        My point was more. If you are claiming to one day lead a party. You have not made the minimal effort to join. You really don’t have any GAS about that party. Just your own reputation.

  • @snacks
    88 months ago

    this guy is a fart in a lift.

    Perhaps if the tories get entirely wiped out and theres only pension aged members left, this could happen. Realistically he wont win any elections, hes never been an MP and unlikely to lead that divided party to power. He also voted to keep his gold plated EU pension after brexit as an MEP so the man is entirely inappropriate for elected office apart from where theres literally nobody else

    • @SyldonOP
      -28 months ago

      What evidence do you have that pensioners vote for Farage?

      • @breadsmasher@lemmy.world
        28 months ago

        pension aged members within the party, I think. Not voters. As in - the choice of leadership is farage or pension aged people who can barely stand, let alone lead a party

        • @snacks
          38 months ago

          yes basically. The tory party membership isnt anyone under 45, its all over 60 and they decide who the leader is. If/When these ghouls get all their MPs kicked out there might not be much of a party left

          • @SyldonOP
            18 months ago

            Everything you are saying is flawed, and nothing but more culture wars.

            This is the demographics of the 2019 vote. The mean age of the Tory membership is 54. Tory MPs decided on Sunak not the membership. The membership rejected Sunak at the previous vote. Tory membership is in a consistent decline. It peaked in the 1950’s with 3m members. Currently it has 140,000, which is 0.04% of those who vote.

            • @snacks
              38 months ago

              I’ve never been accused of culture wars before, so thank you! I’m totally happy with your demographic argument and it’s not in contrast with what I’m saying at all. The Tory party membership is getting older and dying off, that is what I’m saying. That demographic of people is enormously important in voting calculations, as most people under 30 absolutely don’t vote and neither do poorer people. As the age groups shift and Ven diagrams move you can see that the current mid 40s and under voting groups are not swinging to rhe right as they become home owners with 2 children, and this is an issue for the conservatives who will make an enormous error by appointing Farage as leader. This is the point I was making in the original post, I hope that’s cleared it up a bit.

              • @SyldonOP
                -38 months ago

                You were generalising an opinion of a group with no evidence to back it up. That is the abject epitome of culture wars. You were inferring everyone above 60 is a nasty person. This is very much in line with atypical populist political statements. What I pointed out was that your opinion everyone who is Tory is above 60 was based on nothing but your biased opinion, which is a direct contrast to your claim.

                That demographic of people is enormously important in voting calculations

                It really is, but jumping up and down and blaming others for you not voting is not a credible fix. I really encourage as many young as I can to vote. Look at the demographics of the recent Polish election. The young came out in numbers and ousted the far right. It can be done if people are proactive. It won’t ever be achieved by blaming others for your own failings.

                • @snacks
                  38 months ago

                  Well now I have no idea what you’re blathering on about. If I’ve missed a word from a sentence somewhere I apologise but I’m not a lawyer and you are barking up the wrong tree here. It’s a slow week, perhaps we all need a lie down

  • @Treczoks
    58 months ago

    Even if he miraculously could, he would only be a ruler of a smoking ruin.